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Recent posts & news

Zhiyi Biotech Initiates Phase III Clinical Trial for SK08 in China
News: The Phase I clinical trial of SK10 was approved by the US Ethics Committee
Zhiyi Biotech Received Clinical Approval from U.S. FDA for SK10 in Chemotherapy-induced Diarrhea
Zhiyi Biotech Raised $45 Million in Series B Funding Round to Accelerate the Clinical Development of LBPs Pipelines
News: The application for the clinical trial of SK08 combined with anti-PD-1 / L1 monoclonal antibodies in treating advanced solid tumors was approved
The application for clinical trial of SK08 combined with immune checkpoint inhibitor in the treatment of advanced solid tumors was accepted
Zhiyi Named the “Future Unicorn” of Guangzhou Innovative Enterprises in 2021
Zhiyi Biotech Raised Nearly CNY100 Million B+ Round of Financing to Accelerate the Development of LBPs Pipeline
ZYBIO ” Live Biotherapeutics Engineering &Technology Research Center of Guangdong Province ” is awarded
Successful Completion of Phase I Clinical Study of SK08
Zhiyi Biotech Closes CNY110 Million B Round for Live Biotherapeutics Development
SK08 Phase I Clinical Trial Officially Enrolled
Approval for Clinical Trials of SK08